Friday, April 4, 2014

What I'm Feeling Friday

Happy Friday everyone! It's been a long week. I started working out... again, but this time I'm trying to keep it positive. Working out should be part of my everyday life, so I'm trying to think of it as a priority. I met up with my good friend and sorority sister, Michelle Bub Fisher, who got married in December. What do you do when a friend that you call by her last name changes it? She will always be Bub to me!

This week, I found a few new things that I wanted to introduce to you!

The Right Reasons Podcast

I've been listening to The Right Reasons for a while now, but haven't talked about it here. It is a reality television podcast that covers all kinds of shows including The Real World and Naked and Afraid. Juliet Litman and David Jacoby work for, which is a subsidiary of ESPN run by Bill Simmons. The two of them crack me up. Juliet is a Northwestern grad, and I'm assuming she went to school for journalism, because her online stalker skills are on point. She knows everything about everyone on every reality show. David Jacoby is equally as hilarious, and their humor is so intelligent. I highly recommend it, that is, if you enjoy reality TV as much as me!

Mad Men

I finally pressed the play button for Mad Men on Netflix, and I'm presently surprised. I was expecting a good show since I'm a fan of other AMC shows (ie. Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead) but I am much more intrigued by the characters than I thought I would be. The early 1960s setting is an untapped period of time as far as what I watch on TV. From the costumes to the story lines to the patriarchal society, I really like this show!

Entirely Erica

Yesterday I bought the domain name! I'm super excited about designing my blog. For now, I will still be blogging here but in the weeks to come I will soon have a fresh new blog to share with all of you!

Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Got such a charge out if your reference to MadMen. When you called their clothing "costumes", I had to mention it to your Papa. We're still wearing those "costumes"...granted, in a larger size. The 60's were our heyday !! Keep up your blog, Erica. I just hope I can keep up with you !!
