Monday, January 27, 2014

It's cool to be you.

I've been wanting to write this blog for a while now, but I wasn't quite sure how to frame it. But on my way in to work this morning while listening to Mike & Mike on ESPN, my thoughts starting to fall into place.

You see, there was some debate going on between Mike and Mike about what Superbowl wins mean to your legacy. Without going too far into the argument, Mike Greenberg claimed that having a 4-2 record in the Superbowl was better than having a 4-0 record. He claimed that having made it to the championship game six times and having lost two of those is better than having only gone four times. Mike Golic claimed that being able to say that you are undefeated in the Superbowl gives you more clout than having lost two.

The argument is neither here nor there. I really could care less about this topic. But what came next surprised me.

Greenberg then claimed that anyone with Golic's point of view is "an idiot".

First, is this really a topic to get so heated about that you call someone an idiot if they do not believe what you believe?

Second, and much more important, name calling for not having the same beliefs as someone else has become so mainstream and so common in this country, I really am not surprised at all at the outcome of this argument.

It happens all the time. When Phil Robertson was under scrutiny for what he said in a GQ article, the hate speak was so bad, it forced his employer to have him lose his job. (But then give it back.)

He was an idiot, ignorant, bigot, old-fashioned, too religious, etc.

It happened when Justine Sacco tweeted racially-themed message via her Twitter account and became the target of a worldwide witch hunt.

She was racist, stupid, her actions unforgivable.

It happened when Richard Sherman screamed into the camera after he made the game winning play to put his team into the Superbowl.

He was a thug, a n-----, a dumb athlete.

It happens every day in Washington, DC when the right does not agree with the left and the left does not agree with the right.

It happens when Republicans are called ignorant and anti-gay.

It happens when Democrats are called anti-life and fascists.

The problem is that this country has become divided. We are not divided on whether the Seahawks or the Broncos are going to win the Superbowl. We are not divided on whether living in the south is better because you always have sun or living in the north is better because you have four seasons.

We are divided on hot button issues. And wake up people, there will never come a day where everyone agrees on abortion, health care, gun control, gay marriage, etc. And that's okay.

If you are against gun control reform, you are somehow made into a cold-hearted gun lover who doesn't care if Columbine or Newton ever happened again.

If you are pro-choice, you are somehow made into a murderer.

If you are anti-gay marriage, you may as well be anti-gay.

If you are for health care reform, you are a communist.

It's everywhere. It's at my office where the word "republican" is used as sort of a swear word. It's in California where an actress lost her job in the Vagina Monologues because she supported a Tea Party member. It's in my home state of New York where the governor said there was no place for certain people with certain beliefs.

The fact of the matter is: there is a place for everyone and every belief everywhere.

Here's a thought... instead of calling names and inflicting pain at those with different beliefs than you, why not learn their story? Ask: Why do you believe these things? Where did you come to that conclusion?

And I challenge you. Instead of being stubborn and sticking to your beliefs, try and understand theirs. Try and live a day with their point of view and see if the world is different. That's not to say change your mind, you may believe whatever you want.

You do not know Phil Robertson or Justine Sacco or Richard Sherman, neither do I. The media will try and dig into their lives and do interviews with them and try to expose who they are. But you still do not know them. What they said or did was out of religious beliefs, a slip in judgment or adrenaline pumping after a big game, it does not define them as a person.

I'm tired of it being cool to be a liberal and so uncool to be a conservative. I'm tired of racism and sexism and every other -ism. I'm tired of it being just because I'm 'pro' one thing that means I'm 'anti' its opposite.

You do not need to know where I stand on social or economic issues. And look. I just wrote a blog on some of the topics and you still do not know where I stand. However, if you want to know, you can ask. I will tell you and ask you what you believe in return. It will turn into something called a conversation, which is very much not like an argument.

It's cool to be you and it's not cool to make fun of other people. No matter where you fall on the party line.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Things that make me feel old.

I'm less than a month from turning 26. Seriously? When did that happen? It's been a fairly recent occurrence that I can remember things that happened, say, 10 years ago. (Because when I was 20, 10 years ago meant I was 10, and I don't remember being 10.)

Here are some things that make me feel old:

Suite Awkward. Ashlee & Emma.
1.   My little sister, Sarah, is going to be 24 this year. It's easy math, really, because she was born in 1990. She graduated college two years ago. Weird.
2.   My older sister, Emily, is married.
3.   Of my two college roommates, Emma is working towards her PhD, and Ashlee is married with a  baby. (Love and miss you both!)
4.   I graduated high school 8 years ago, and graduated college 4 years ago. It's not okay.
5.   I started driving 10 years ago. I remember my first time driving alone (because it's within that 10 year range where I can remember things). I picked up Daisy and Michelle in my mom's Tahoe and     took them to soccer practice.
6.   I've lived in 6 states. New York, Ohio, Virginia, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Indiana. And of those I somehow decided to settle in Indiana. I'm so not a Midwest girl.
Sarah and I at my
college graduation.
7.   I have a Master's Degree.
8.   I've been in 2 longterm relationships. One was 5 years, one is 3 1/2 years and going. There was 3 years in between. That's 11 years right there.
9.   My parents will be married 30 years in November. But that doesn't make them old, that makes them awesome. 
10.  I've had my car since my junior year in college. That was 5 years ago. Connie the Pontiac has been on some great adventures.
11.  I remember when people thought computers were going to blow up on Y2K. LOL.
12.  I can't drink more than 2 glasses of wine without feeling it the next day.
Baby Meeps
13.  Juneau is 3 years old. Actually, we adopted him 3 years ago this week!
14.  I'd rather go to a matinee movie than an evening movie. But that might not make me old, it makes me smart because I don't want to pay $13 to watch a movie.
15.  I literally don't recognize anyone that graduated from Cal-Mum last year. And being from the small town of Caledonia, that says something.
16.  Emily and I coached an Under-8 girls soccer team one summer. Those girls are now playing varsity soccer.
17.  I pledged a sorority 5 1/2 years ago, and I am a big^5. (That means I have 5 littles).
18.   You know those 'kids' that play college sports? I'm older than them all. I'm older than a lot of pros, too! I'm looking at you Paul George.

There are also things that make me feel really young, but that's for another day...

Friday, January 17, 2014

10 ways to beat the winter blues

I don't hate a lot of things, but I hate January. Winter in general is brutal but at least December has the magical feel of Christmas and February is my birthday month. January... just... no....

Perhaps I should be one of those people who embrace the winter being from Upstate New York where winter lasts six months and the sun only makes an appearance about 30 days out of the year. Perhaps I should love skiing and hot cocoa and big sweaters and the fireplace. Those may be the only things I like about winter. However the dry skin, the car trouble, the unplowed roads, my cold feet, having to walk Juneau in single degree weather and the gray days more than outweigh the positives about this month.

Seasonal depression is REAL, people!

Instead of drowning in my sorrows, I decided to make a list (since everyone is making lists these days) on how to beat the winter blahs.

1. Netflix. Netflix is almost always a life saver but more so in the winter. I've already had two 'snow days' this year and I'm not even a teacher. While sitting at home with a car that has been buried and Bravo only showing replays of Real Housewives episodes I've already seen, I turn to Netflix. This winter I've already completed the entire series of Breaking Bad (totally recommending it) and several movies that I didn't want to spend $10 on to watch in a theater. Thank you Netflix for changing your business plan from a DVD mailing company to everyones favorite snowy day activity.

2. Picture Frames.  I'm the queen of picture frames. I have photos of high school soccer, DPhiE, family vacations, Juneau, Dave and I, etc. all framed and scattered throughout our apartment. This winter I took advantage of an online deal and ordered photos that I hadn't had time to print out. Now I have up-to-date pictures in said picture frames. I also used a coupon (probably the first of my existence) and bought picture frames to display my degrees and Dave's military certificate. No biggie, we're only three years behind.

3. Shop Online. Honestly, I've never been a huge online shopper. Really, I'm still not. But it doesn't hurt to lust over beautiful clothing that would never look quite right on my pear-shaped body.

4. Blog. I'm starting to look like a computer nerd. Everything I've listed so far has consisted of sitting behind a computer at one point or another. Oh well, beats freezing outside. Writing has always been a hobby of mine, but blogging for fun is a completely different type of therapy. Maybe it's not for everyone but I challenge you to at least look at a couple of blogs and see what people are saying. It's fascinating.

5. Oversized sweaters. I think I mentioned this in the opener... yup, I did. But I can't say it enough. Oversized sweaters are the best thing to come from hipster culture. Where to find them? (see no. 3- online shopping) has awesome vendors who will pick oversized sweaters at random and send them to you for just $10! No need to worry about the color or pattern, just enter the size (remember the bigger the better) and a sweater will show up at your door. Honestly, the suspense of waiting to find out what color you will get is worth $10 just by itself.

6.  Crockpot. There is nothing more annoying than working an 8 hour day and leaving the office to find total darkness. Does the sun seriously set at 5:30pm? Give me a break. I'm ready to go to bed, but alas, someone must make dinner. The solution? CROCKPOT RECIPES. Set it and forget it... just make sure it's pushed far enough back on the counter and locked tight so that your curious pets don't get to it first. This way when you come home from work you can dish yourself a warm meal as soon as you walk in the door and spend the rest of the night watching Netflix.

7. Sports. It's my go-to. We have NFL Playoffs, the Super Bowl, the Olympics, NBA Basketball, NCAA Basketball, tennis, baseball scandals, etc. It's a great time of year to be a sports fan.

8. Get Creative. Dave and I were sitting on the couch one night, bored out of our minds. Juneau brought us his favorite toy: a ball. We started throwing it. We started keeping points for getting the ball through the doorway, hitting a certain part of the wall, etc. Juneau was fine with it cause he thought the game was about him. Little does he know, he was just being used to bring the ball back for the next person to throw. This game is played on a consistent basis. And to think it was created out of pure boredom.

9. Clean out your closet. A snowy afternoon is a perfect time to re-evaluate your clothing choices. If you don't wear it, donate it. And yes, it's okay if your bag of donations sits around till springtime when you actually feel like running errands.

10. Spend some quality time. As much as I enjoy being adventurous, I equally enjoy sitting at home with Dave playing Scrabble and drinking hot tea. Winter forces human interaction, so don't shy away. Pop on some Netflix, start up the Crockpot and watch your favorite team play.

Here's to two more months of snow, cracked skin and wearing boots every day.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

"Lone Survivor" is more than just a movie

I usually don't like to get into topics like politics, religion, etc. I truly believe that everyone can and should have their own beliefs and opinions on things, and living in America we all have the right to vocalize those opinions. However, I also believe that topics like politics, religion, or social issues are things that are based on one's morality and are ingrained in them to the deepest part of their being. To argue those beliefs is silly. To understand each other's belief is so much more important.

That being said...

Dave and I went to see the movie "Lone Survivor" on Saturday. For those of you who don't know, Dave is a Marine Corps veteran and deployed twice to Iraq and once to Afghanistan.

The movie hit home. There were large spans of it that were incredibly hard to watch, for both of us. However, this movie was more than just a hollywood drama. It was a real story.

David next to a Marine Corps
monument in DC in 2010.
Since seeing the movie, I have been reading about the men who lost their lives and the mission they were on. For me it's fascinating. That instead of choosing college and a comfortable job in the business world, these men and women choose to leave behind the safety of their homes to protect others. It's truly the most unselfish act.

I have also been reading critiques of the film. Of course there are those people who are calling it "pro war propaganda" and "right wing publicity".  There was even a man who said, "It seems senseless all these wonderful people who were killed for an op that went wrong."

Excuse my naivete, but I truly cannot comprehend how someone can see the story of heroic men and women, the ultimate sacrifice they made, and the unselfishness of it all solely through a political lens. Look beyond that...

Dave and I have talked about his time in the military. It's a part of his life he is very proud of, but a part of his life that he likes to keep in the past. One thing that will forever resonate with me: he joined to serve his country, but he fought for the men beside him. The bond of brotherhood is much deeper than the political bullshit that civilians back home see.

Honestly, does anyone have any idea what a real war is like other than the people who have experienced it? Do I have a right to judge your chosen profession? Perhaps, but I'll never judge you for laying down your life for something you so vehemently believe in. I only wish I could have a job I was so passionate about.

So next time you want to criticize the war, the soldiers who fight, a hollywood movie that wants to tell their story... remember these are real people, with real families and real human emotions. They are not just actors on a screen.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

My response to "23 things to do before you're 23 instead of getting married" and Young woman gives amazing response to the “23 things to do instead of getting engaged before you’re 23″

There are lists circulating the internet and I'm sure you've read them. If not here they are:

23 things to do before you're 23 instead of get married
The Response

What do I have to say?

Good for these girls. They have opinions/feelings and they blog about it. It's what I do, so I get it.

What else?

People need to stop worrying about if or when or what or who they are marrying and follow the path that they are on. There are benefits of being married and benefits of not being married. Who cares?! Is being in a relationship how people define themselves?

Your twenties are a weird age. You are out of school, on your own, finding a career, finding yourself. Some people find the one, others don't. I know people who got married and had children out of college and are happy, wonderful parents and couples. I also know people who waited until almost 40 to find the right person and start a family, and they are equally as happy and successful. There are also love stories of people who started families with one person, but they found their true happiness with others and blended their families.

The wonderful thing about this world is that everyone is different. Every relationship is different. Every love story is different. Some people find their true love in middle school. Others find theirs after retirement. Some people find love in their careers. Others find it in a pet.

The one thing I can say is that if you base your happiness on someone or something else, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Until you are happy with yourself, you can never truly be happy. If the first girl wants to sit in front of the window naked and the other girl wants to have a sleepover with her husband every night, as long as they are happy, who are we to judge?

Monday, January 6, 2014

Winter Storm 1/5/2014

The past 24 hours have been... interesting.

I've been sick with a head cold for the past few days. All I wanted to do was sit on the couch and watch trashy TV.

Unfortunately, the weather had other ideas. Around 4pm on Sunday, we lost power in our apartment. We waited it out for about two hours, but decided, since the weather was so crappy and the temperatures were going to drop below zero overnight, to take up a friend's offer and stay and their house for the night. We packed up a bag and Juneau and headed to our warm oasis.

After a 15-minute-turn-45-minute drive, we reached Bob's house. The plow had visited their apartment complex and had made it nearly impossible to find a snow-less parking spot.

Bob and his wife made us a warm meal and the dogs got to play in the snow. I watched the boys play Wii for a while and we fell asleep.

The mayor of Indianapolis had put a travel warning into effect making it illegal for anyone to be on the roads thru noon on Monday. He also strongly advised that all companies close on Monday.

My office closed but Dave's did not. He was supposed to go in at 2pm and when he called to check if they were opening, a co-worker told him only three people had showed up. Others were snowed in or didn't want to travel on the roads.

Vent: I have seriously never seen a more incompetent Department of Transportation than in Indianapolis. Snow plows didn't hit the streets at ALL yesterday. They used salt, which becomes null and void when temperatures reach a certain low. Maybe it's being from upstate New York and being used to seeing plows out before a winter storm hits, but telling people not to go on the roads does not make it okay to just NOT plow.

Anyways, when we woke up on Monday I texted a neighbor and she said our power had been restored around 9pm on Sunday. Dave and Bob went outside to get the car started, but it was stuck and we were without a shovel. Dave ran me and Juneau home in Bob's car and headed back up to see if he could get the car out.

After some digging, Bob and Dave finally got the car out. But had managed to lock the keys in the ignition in the process.

AAA, tow companies, the police, and a local pop-a-lock all told us that they aren't doing any business in Indy today unless it was an emergency.

After three hours of burning gas in the apartment complex parking lot, the two guys managed to pop the lock with a hammer and a rag (don't ask) and Dave finally headed to work.

I'm sure we had it easy in comparison to other people, but what an adventure it has been.

Pictures to come!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Pet Peeves

Updated January 7th.

A common symptom of any sickness I have is a major amount of irritation. As I come down with my first cold of 2014, I am reminded of those things that just bother the bejeasus out of me.

1.  Nuts in ice cream
2.  Sweater dresses
3.  Fruit in dessert
4.  Flipping candy in your mouth 
5.  Having no toilet paper
6.  Using the wrong form of "your/you're", "to/too/two", "are/our", etc.
7.  Perfectionists
8.  The feeling of overeating
9.  Unanswered texts
10.  Hang nails
11.  Knock off Coach bags
12.  Andrew Zimmerman
13.  People talking to me with my headphones in
14.  People not talking to me cause I have headphones in and just staring instead
15.  Having an unread notification on my phone
16.  When fans/journalists/announcers/etc. of sports teams make reference to "we" or "us". ie: "We did our best." You're on the team? Must have missed that.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

First workout of 2014

2 mile run 30 minute leg workout Sadly, I can feel myself coming down with a cold. Hopefully it doesn't sideline me from working out too long. The goal? 10 lbs gone by my birthday and running 6 miles a day. Bring it February 11th!