Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Things that make me feel old.

I'm less than a month from turning 26. Seriously? When did that happen? It's been a fairly recent occurrence that I can remember things that happened, say, 10 years ago. (Because when I was 20, 10 years ago meant I was 10, and I don't remember being 10.)

Here are some things that make me feel old:

Suite Awkward. Ashlee & Emma.
1.   My little sister, Sarah, is going to be 24 this year. It's easy math, really, because she was born in 1990. She graduated college two years ago. Weird.
2.   My older sister, Emily, is married.
3.   Of my two college roommates, Emma is working towards her PhD, and Ashlee is married with a  baby. (Love and miss you both!)
4.   I graduated high school 8 years ago, and graduated college 4 years ago. It's not okay.
5.   I started driving 10 years ago. I remember my first time driving alone (because it's within that 10 year range where I can remember things). I picked up Daisy and Michelle in my mom's Tahoe and     took them to soccer practice.
6.   I've lived in 6 states. New York, Ohio, Virginia, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Indiana. And of those I somehow decided to settle in Indiana. I'm so not a Midwest girl.
Sarah and I at my
college graduation.
7.   I have a Master's Degree.
8.   I've been in 2 longterm relationships. One was 5 years, one is 3 1/2 years and going. There was 3 years in between. That's 11 years right there.
9.   My parents will be married 30 years in November. But that doesn't make them old, that makes them awesome. 
10.  I've had my car since my junior year in college. That was 5 years ago. Connie the Pontiac has been on some great adventures.
11.  I remember when people thought computers were going to blow up on Y2K. LOL.
12.  I can't drink more than 2 glasses of wine without feeling it the next day.
Baby Meeps
13.  Juneau is 3 years old. Actually, we adopted him 3 years ago this week!
14.  I'd rather go to a matinee movie than an evening movie. But that might not make me old, it makes me smart because I don't want to pay $13 to watch a movie.
15.  I literally don't recognize anyone that graduated from Cal-Mum last year. And being from the small town of Caledonia, that says something.
16.  Emily and I coached an Under-8 girls soccer team one summer. Those girls are now playing varsity soccer.
17.  I pledged a sorority 5 1/2 years ago, and I am a big^5. (That means I have 5 littles).
18.   You know those 'kids' that play college sports? I'm older than them all. I'm older than a lot of pros, too! I'm looking at you Paul George.

There are also things that make me feel really young, but that's for another day...

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean. I had a mini panic attack when I looked at the Cyclones' roster and saw that I'm older than almost every single player. Not okay. Also, that is the cutest picture of Juneau ever. My god.
