Monday, March 24, 2014

I hate social media!

I'm so sick and tired of social media.

Okay, that's a downright lie. I love it. I think it's the best thing to happen to business, and to public relations, and to the internet, really.

But when it comes to social media and your personal life... gahh. I'm sick of it.

I am Facebook friends with people from high school, that if I fell over, they would have no idea who I was. But for some reason, I find myself intrigued by their statuses, their new relationship updates, and photos of their night out. Why?!?! It doesn't make me feel better about anything going on in my life right now.

I know you all know exactly what I'm talking about. Some distant stranger's life somehow always seem so much more glamorous than yours.

Here's your wake up call... it's not!

Throughout my time in graduate school, I was stressed, working for free, living in a strange city, never working out, staying up late and waking up early to finish ridiculous homework assignments, and missing my friends and family. However, I received multiple Facebook messages and texts and comments about 'how awesome' my life was! How they were jealous of ME!

I laugh, because if they knew how un-glamorous my life was at the time, they would be far from jealous. But the things I posted on my social media accounts allowed others to see my life as I wanted it to be seen. I was posting video interviews with NBA stars, photos of me and my friends covering the Sweet 16 and Elite 8, and articles I wrote for the NCAA. Yes, I was truly lucky to have all of those experiences.

What I'm trying to say is, stop wishing away your experiences for somebody else's. Your experiences are just as meaningful as theirs. We all live the day to day struggles of life: illness, paying bills, cooking dinner, eating right, exercising, relationship drama, missing someone, somewhere.

My hope is for this blog to portray another side of me through social media. You know I struggle with depression, you know I just lost my job, you know I'm back living with my parents for the time being, you know I'm living 8 hours away from my boyfriend (who I lived with for the past 3 years). These aren't things I would've put on my Facebook status a year ago, because, like many of you, I wanted those far away classmates of mine to think my life was going perfectly.

I hope that this makes you realize that the only person you have to measure up against is yourself. It will make you a whole lot happier in the end. Stop comparing your life to other's. I could've stayed close to home, taken any old job, and settled down right out of college, but I took my own path, and so did all of you. There is no wrong or right, there is only what is yours.

I've recently had my own wake up call... no one's life is perfect. And these few months I'm away from David and working for my Dad, I'm a whole helluva lot luckier than a lot of people out there.

1 comment:

  1. Love this. You're completely right - It's amazing how everyone tries their hardest to portray themselves in an enviable way rather than an honest one.
