This year was one of something I haven't felt in a while... stability. Throughout the year I have done so much, but I was only reminded of that recently when a family member said to me, "Wow, Erica, what a year."
The beginning of 2013 looked promising. I was interning with the Pacers who were making a terrific run through the regular season. David was working at a drug lab and was really enjoying his work. I started my second semester of graduate school and was eagerly anticipating the upcoming months and what post-graduation life would bring. Oh, and I made it into my first sports gif.
My birthday month was a busy one. The Pacers played the majority of their games at home meaning more time at work. It was fun! I was starting to get the hang of things around Bankers Life Fieldhouse, and was beginning to feel more comfortable in an NBA locker room. David took me to Chicago for my 25th birthday and Valentine's Day. We froze our butts off! But we had a blast. We went to the top of the Sears Tower, looked around Soldier Field, window shopped, rode the ferris wheel on the Navy Pier, and ate a mouth-watering meal at Ditka's Restaurant.
March Madness hit home for me after learning I would be able to cover the NCAA Men's Midwest Regional in Indianapolis. I attended and covered both the Sweet 16 and Elite 8, and was in the building the day Kevin Ware suffered a brutal leg injury. (Something I'll never forget). David got a promotion at his job and quickly moved through the ranks to become the regional manager at the drug lab he was working for.
At the start of April, my other internship with VYPE High School Sports Magazine sent me to Chicago to cover the McDonald's All American Games. I was impressed at the level of talent at such a young age. April also saw the start of the NBA Playoffs and I was able to cover the first round matchup between the Hawks and Pacers. My second semester of graduate school finished up in late April complete with late nights and long papers. But I made it through. I also started freelancing for the NCAA - incredible - and have been able to write about a dozen stories for them throughout the course of the year.
May was a turning point in 2013. I started looking for jobs while David left his. He learned that sometimes you have to give up what you are doing today to plan for a better tomorrow. I started my final session of graduate school and left my internship with VYPE. I quickly learned that the opportunities you may think have little value actually come out on top. I appreciate everything Rich and Phil at VYPE have done, and continue to do for me.
The start of summer saw the end of graduate school. I was no longer a student. The Pacers lost to the Miami Heat in the Eastern Conference Finals and my days of working for an NBA team were up. I loved every minute of that internship and I would do it all again if I could. David started working at another job that made him much happier. I lost a classmate from high school in a weightlifting accident. He was an amazing man and I think about him often. Toward the end of June, Dave and I were both able to take some time to visit family. He went home to Charlottesville for a week while I went home to Rochester for Emily's bridal shower.
Emily had a second bridal shower, this time in Indianapolis. I was able to show my grandma and mom around the city and spend some quality time with my sisters. There was a fatal car accident in my hometown that claimed the life of three young people and severely injured two more. I watched from afar as my small town came together to grieve. My job hunt was in full force and I finally heard back from a high school soccer coaching job at a nearby school. I started waking up early to coach teenage girls in the hottest month of the year. It was my dream. I was finally around soccer again.
August saw more job hunting and an opportunity finally presented itself. I was a finalist for a sports reporter position in Evansville, IN. I made the three hour trip, but didn't get the job. It ended up being for the best. I interviewed for a job at a small newspaper just north of Indy. I started working there for several days, but something didn't feel right. I followed my gut and risked waiting for another job to come my way. It was the right decision. David turned 26 in August and we celebrated with a new grill and cabobs. This was also the month that a dog attacked Juneau in front of our apartment, and after days of arguing with the complex, the other dog and owner were removed. Phew. Soccer season started and I loved it. It kept my mind occupied from my ferocious job search and I made some new friends!
All the waiting finally came to an end. I was offered an assistant editor position at The Saturday Evening Post magazine in downtown Indy. I started on September 16th. There was so much relief. Soccer season was going full force and my girls were winning... a lot.
David and I celebrated our three year anniversary on October 7th. We have worked hard to become the people we are, and we have never been in a better place. The Fishers girls soccer team made history in October by winning their first game in sectional play. They defeated Noblesville in penalty kicks. In round two, they defeated arch rivals Hamilton Southeastern by a 1-0 overtime score. The girls went on to face Pendleton Heights in the sectional finals, the night of Emily's rehearsal dinner. The night before, Emily celebrated her last night as a single woman with friends and family from all over the world. We went on a brewery tour of Indianapolis, and I don't remember much after that. Saturday morning, after some ibuprofen and lots of water, Emily, Sarah and I were able to sneak away for some sister bonding time over biscuits and gravy at a nearby diner. We then sweated through the wedding rehearsal and were able to sit down to get our nails done. We enjoy some genuine German cuisine at the rehearsal dinner, and after a glass of wine to calm my nerves, I was able to help coach the Fishers Tigers to a 6-0 win and the first sectional title in school history. The girls would go on to win regionals and semi-state in championship fashion. I stood next to my sister as she married Shane and partied all night long with my amazing family. My dad and I Texas-two-stepped and Sarah was kicked off the dance floor due to dropping one too many glasses. Such a great month!

The weather quickly turned cold shortly after the wedding. I went from coaching in a t-shirt and shorts to long johns and a winter coat. The first weekend in November was the state finals. My girls fought hard and lost a heartbreaker to Avon in overtime. The final score, 1-0, really could have gone either way. It was a great match. Dave and I attended the banquet and I was given a beautiful framed photo of the team. Certainly a season I'll never forget. Dave and I had our first solo Thanksgiving. I cooked some of our favorites from home and we enjoyed some 'us' time.
I was able to go home and watch one of my best friends, Michelle Bub, marry her longtime love, Jody. It was a beautiful ceremony on a slightly snowy afternoon. I was also able to catchup with some of my good friends from college, enjoy too much wine, and see my family. I saw Sarah's new apartment in downtown Rochester and spent some couch time with Mom in front of the fireplace. The next weekend, two of my oldest friends from high school were married in Caledonia, although I was unable to make the trip. VYPE asked me to cover a Colts game and after 25 years, I finally attended an NFL game. (It was the last of any pro or college sport that I could check off my list as having attended.) Emily and Shane came to Indy with their dog, Belle, and I spent some time looking through wedding photos. Dave and I will spend our first solo Christmas together and plan on having a very mellow New Years.

Indy has been good to us thus far, and although it is nice to feel stable in one place for longer than a year, we miss our families. Our goal for 2014 is to get back to the East Coast. There are some exciting adventures on the horizon. David has decided to go back to school to earn his Bachelor's in Criminal Justice with a focus on Homeland Security. He's the best. He has been 100% supportive of everything I have been able to do this year and I couldn't ask for a better man. I have been able to take on more responsibility at work including tons of social media strategy and because of that, have seen some potential opportunities pop up. Juneau is growing up, but not slowing down. He has the best personality. I have made some wonderful new friends, and lost touch with some along the way. I've learned to surround myself with positive, upbeat, soul-searching people, and it is amazing to see how much that pays off in your external life.
Cheers to 2013 for being a great year. Here's to a happy, healthy and adventurous 2014!