I consider myself a 'journalist'. I have had enough professional experience in newsrooms, press rooms, media dining rooms, locker rooms, and classrooms that study the field to safely say that I know a thing or two about journalism.
However, there is a little part of me that is relieved to not be an active member of the media today. I've never seen so many ridiculous news stories in my life. I'm defining ridiculous as silly, irrelevant, covered way too extensively, clearly bi-partisan, or just plain wrong.
When did it become okay for the media to be more than just an outlet for delivering news? I'm so overwhelmed with all the messages that are being sent out into the Twitter-sphere, it's exhausting. Not only that, but there have been a myriad of stories that are poorly reported. I was always taught that reporting was the most important thing when writing your story. If you were struggling to write something, it's probably because you didn't do your reporting.
I chose to focus on sports journalism while in grad school, but even that niche is being muddled with bologna. It's no longer about the best athletes, the underdogs, the achievement, or a good game, it's about the story that can last the longest. What can get us more page views? How many more people will tune into our channel if we get the interview with him?
I realize that that's what it's all about... the money. But part of me really wished that journalism was different.
Maybe I look at it differently because of my time in school studying media. Maybe it's because I'm on the outside now, looking in. I'm simply disappointed in journalism. I find myself shaking my head at a news story every day, sometimes because of the content, but more often than not, because of the way it's reported.