This week I'm feeling:
The Academy of Country Music Awards
Is there anything better than country music? I love watching their award shows, too, because the community of country singers is so genuinely supportive of one another. Plus, it's less of an award show and more of a huge concert. Although Taylor Swift went home empty handed, it was a nice couple hours spent on the couch with Mom, making fun of Rascal Flats and ogling Blake Shelton. Plus, I love his new song!
Face Time
Thanks to the invention of Face Time, I'm able to see David every day and he's able to see Juneau :) Plus, he is up visiting next week through Easter! Counting the days!
Nice Weather
This week my dad and I took a local funeral director up to Barre, Vermont to show him exactly what goes into making a headstone. I am working on a blog about the process, which is actually super interesting. It was nice to see another part of the country. Although I have been up to Vermont countless times, it's been about ten years since I traveled up that way. It was about 20 degrees colder in Vermont than even in Rochester, but we came back to a beautiful 70 degree day. And I'm also feeling my Dunkin Donuts this week, cause when you travel with Don Rath, you're up before the sun.
I'm excited to see your post about making headstones...and I'm even more excited to see the new blog!