Friday, April 11, 2014

What I'm Feeling Friday!

Another slow blogging week, but progress is slowly being made on the new site!

This week I'm feeling:

The Academy of Country Music Awards

Is there anything better than country music? I love watching their award shows, too, because the community of country singers is so genuinely supportive of one another. Plus, it's less of an award show and more of a huge concert. Although Taylor Swift went home empty handed, it was a nice couple hours spent on the couch with Mom, making fun of Rascal Flats and ogling Blake Shelton. Plus, I love his new song!

Face Time

Thanks to the invention of Face Time, I'm able to see David every day and he's able to see Juneau :) Plus, he is up visiting next week through Easter! Counting the days!

Nice Weather



This week my dad and I took a local funeral director up to Barre, Vermont to show him exactly what goes into making a headstone. I am working on a blog about the process, which is actually super interesting. It was nice to see another part of the country. Although I have been up to Vermont countless times, it's been about ten years since I traveled up that way. It was about 20 degrees colder in Vermont than even in Rochester, but we came back to a beautiful 70 degree day. And I'm also feeling my Dunkin Donuts this week, cause when you travel with Don Rath, you're up before the sun.

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to see your post about making headstones...and I'm even more excited to see the new blog!
