1. A car. I wouldn't go crazy. I don't need/want a Lamborghini. I would buy a BMW X5 SUV. Immediately. In fact, after I quit my job, I would drive through the Starbucks drive thru, buy my coffee, and head directly to the BMW dealership.
2. I would pay off my student loan debts. No, this isn't buying anything technically. It's just paying off my debt. But it's the biggest pain in my ass in my life. I can't help but laugh when I look at how much money I borrowed to get an education. And I went to a STATE school.
3. A plane ticket to Bali. Because I want to spend a week in a hut on stilts hovering clear, blue water.
4. A plane ticket for my parents to go to Germany... and all of Europe for that matter. Because they deserve it, and they've never been to Europe, and my dad would literally be in heaven. And because they deserve it.
5. A desktop Mac computer. Just because.
6. A bunch of houses. One in Wilmington. One in Charlottesville. One in Rochester.
8. Keurig Cups, a lifetime supply. Mainly because I go through my 12-packs so quickly. If I could have a lifetime supply of K-cups, a lot of my day-to-day stress would be eliminated. I could also feed my mom's coffee habit. Two birds, one stone.
9. A gun for Dave. Because I just texted him and asked what his dream gun was his answer was so thought out that I know that he would appreciate it. And I figure this will make us both happy. He will have his most desired gun in the world, and I will no longer have to hear about how badly he wants the gun. And cause he deserves it.
10. I guess I'd have to buy whatever Emily and Sarah want, too.
11. A farm for all the stranded puppies in the world. Or as many as I can house. And I'd employ people to take care of them all. It would be like a dream farm for dogs....
12. A guitar signed by Taylor Swift.
13. I'd probably buy out the Francesca's Collection company and have a closet filled with all the clothing I'd ever want.
14. A personal chef. I'd never, ever cook again.
So I ask... what would you do/buy with $40 million??
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